Axedale – One Place Study

OPS LogoI am really excited to announce that Axedale Then and Now has now been accepted as a worldwide “One Place Study”. I’m sure most will be wondering what is a one place study.

A One Place Study is a designated study of a particular city, town or village or area. There are quite a few One Place Studies being done worldwide, but only 4 in Australia. Axedale is the first One Place Study to be done in Victoria. Most family historians do a little research on the place where their ancestors settled. But a One Place Study doesn’t focus on any particular family. The focus is on the place.

A One Place Study aims to report on everything that occurs or has occurred in a particular place, including geographical, the people living or who lived in a community, community activites, education, employment, business. Anything that occurs or occurred in a particular area at a particular time can be recorded on a One Place Study.

Eventually this One Place Study will build a historical picture of Axedale and those who have lived there.

There is further information here about the  Society for One-Place Studies. There will be an indepth report on Axedale on their website shortly.

If you have anything about Axedale that you would like to contribute to this One Place Study, including historical photos, please contact me in the comments below.

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